Sorry I haven't been on puter much in the last week, but for all of you that celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a wonderful one. I sure did! My son and daughter-in-law were here and we also went to visit my sister and two of my nieces--so it was an awesome Christmas for us!!!!!
I am so blessed with my family and friends, and all of you that come by to visit me here!!! I am so thankful for my wonderful visitors and followers and I hope that you all have a very happy and prosperous New Year! Be back soon :)

*** All links have been updated as of Sept., 2014 *** At Goldie's Graphix I will post tags that I make and stuff that I sell at my Etsy store. I will have everything from animals, angels, fairies, babies, cartoon characters and more. Most of my graphics have been received through sharing groups. When I know who the artist is I have given them the credit they deserve.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Holiday Bookworm
Full Size Image Here
Rose Weave Tag Tutorial Here
Wow, I guess it's been awhile since my last post. The time is flying by with this countdown to Christmas! We had a blizzard yesterday and got at least a foot of snow with drifts to about 4 feet high. We will certainly have a beautiful white Christmas this year!
I love this little bookworm graphic by Annie Lang, it is adorable!!!! I would be very happy to put your name in place of mine as a sig tag for you. Just shoot me an e-mail with the name you would like and I will send it to you ASAP.
Thank you so much for visiting and I hope that you will come back often and/or follow my blog so you will be notified when I post something new.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pimpd Denim
Full Size Image Here
I really enjoyed playing around in PSP tonight to make this tag. All papers and elements are from a scrapkit called Pimpd bghbjo; the lovely poser is named Jovana and she is a creation of Fantasy Moments. If you would like to save this tag, please open the full size image and right click to save to your computer.
I want to thank you for stopping here and I hope that you will find some tags that you like. You may use them however you wish, but please give credit to those listed in this post and please link back to my blog as credit for my design of this tag. I post new things quite frequently, so you may want to become one of my "followers" so that you will be able to keep up to date as I make my posts.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Purple Mailbox
Full Size Image Here
Betty Tag Tutorial by Yvette Here
I really love this nice little tutorial!!! This is an excellent siggie tag for anyone that wants it. You can add your name to it, or if you would like, I will be happy to do it for you. Thanks to Yvette for this awesome tutorial, the possibilities for this are endless!
Thank you so much for finding your way here to my blog. I hope you will stay awhile and see all that is here for you. I would love to get some feedback from you to know if there is anything here that you like and/or any suggestions that you may have for me to make this a better place.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Young Innocence
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Young Innocence Tutorial by Jemima
I really enjoyed making this tag. The graphic used took me back to my childhood years with my two older sisters. Geez, we really went at each other as kids, but I am so happy to say that we are the best of friends once we grew up and I love them both dearly!
The tutorial writer, Jemima, writes a lot of awesome tutorials such as this one. She is a very talented and creative lady! If you would like to save this tag, please click on the full size image and then right click to "save picture as..." and make sure you put it in a folder that will be easy to find.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope you find some things that you like here. I will be happy to put your name on some tags that you like - just let me know what you want. Have a wonderful day and come back soon!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Snow Window - Wolf
Full Size Image Here
Snow Window Tutorial by Karla Here
Here is a nice winter scene for you -- it's even snowing this time!!! I love the beautiful wolves in this graphic which I obtained through a share group. The tutorial written by Karla is amazing! It is sooooo beautiful! She has lots more wonderful tutorial which can be found here.
Thank you very much for visiting my bog! Please take your time and look around as there are many different tags for you to snag and use for your own personal purpose. If you like my site, please cast a vote for me and become a follower. Please check back often since I am always making more tags to post.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Thank you very much for visiting my bog! Please take your time and look around as there are many different tags for you to snag and use for your own personal purpose. If you like my site, please cast a vote for me and become a follower. Please check back often since I am always making more tags to post.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Noisy Weaved Frame Snowman
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Noisy Weaved Frame Tutorial by KR Creations
Oh this Christmas snowman with a gingerbread man is so adorable! I hope you agree. Karen is one of my very favorite tutorial writers--she has a very creative imagination! I can hardly believe that Christmas is only a month away -- boy, this year went by fast!
I want to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can use some of my tags for your own personal site, blog, etc. Please follow me if you want to be notified when I make new posts. And if you like my site, I would love for you to cast a vote for me.
Waiting - Girl
Full Size Image Here
Waiting Tutorial by
Graphic Artist: Cris Ortega
This is now my second tag with this awesome tutorial written by Nathy; I just love it so much and I hope you do too! To save it, please click on the full size image and then right click to "save picture as" - then all you have to do is name your file and put it in a safe place that you can find it.
Thank you so very much for stopping by my little blog! I hope you take the time to look around and save as many tags as you would like. If you would like your name on a tag or two, etc., all you have to do is ask and I will be happy to do it for you. Enjoy your visit and come back soon!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mosaic Brush Frame - Red
Full Size Image Here
Mosaic Brush Frame Tutorial Here
Wow, this woman is gorgeous, with her deep brown eyes and face as beautiful as a porcelain doll! Hopefully you like her also. I love the frame that comes from this wonderful tutorial by KR Creations. I admire Karen's talent for writing so many awesome tuts. I have made an IncrediMail stationery for this as well, which I will share in my groups. If you would like it, just let me know and I will be very happy to send it to you.
Thank you so much for finding your way to my blog! I hope that you will find some things that you like. Please leave me a comment, or a reaction if you save anything from here -- it would be very much appreciated! That is the only way that I will know if you like my tags.
Have a wonderful day!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Waiting - Loons
Full Size Image Here
Waiting Tutorial by ©N@thy Here
I love these beautiful loons set in these gorgeous shades of deep greens. If you would like to save this for personal use, please open the full size image and right click to "save picture as"; place in an easy to find location on your hard drive.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you return soon to see the latest additions. If you follow me, you will receive regular updates as I add new posts.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Full Size Image Here
Blast and Weave Tutorial Here
I just love scarecrows and the bold colors in this image are so pretty. If you like this sig tag, I would be happy to add your name to it in place of mine. Hope you are having a wonderful Fall season!
Thank you so very much for stopping by! I hope you find some things that you like here. This is my first blog and I would love to get some feedback from you on how I can make this a better place for all. Have a wonderful day and come back soon!
Blast and Weave Sig Tag
Full Size Image Here
Blast and Weave Tutorial Here
This tutorial by WM8C was so much fun to do! I think I have to make another, lol! If you like this as much as I do, please feel free to request your name on here and I will make one for you too! A quick "thank you" or "reaction" would be very much appreciated!
Thank you so much for stopping here; I hope you will take a few minutes and look around. You may find a thing or two that you like (I hope!). Since this is my first blog and attempt at showcasing my work, I would be very open to any suggestions and/or comments that you may have.
Thanks and have a wonderful day!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Christmas Greetings
Full Size Image Here
Christmas Greetings Tutorial Here
Wow, I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving already! Where did the time go??? And then, of course, is Christmas right around the corner..... I think this is a lovely Christmas/Winter scene. The graphic is supplied in the beautiful frame tutorial written by Designs by Sandee. If you would like to save or use this tag, please right click on the full size image and "save picture as..."
Thank you so much for dropping in and please come back again soon, as I am always adding more posts. Better yet, you can "follow me" to receive updates in real time. Please leave a comment, or at least a reaction, if you like and/or save this tag--that will let me know if anyone out there likes my tags. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Winter Geese
Full Size Image Here
Basket of Autumn Tutorial Written by Kreative Expressionz
Artist Robert Duncan
It's not quite winter yet, but I have so many winter tubes and mists to design with that I just can't help myself from making winter tags. I just love the artwork of Robert Duncan in this winter scene. Hopefully you will have a use for this tag - just open the full size image and right click to "save picture as" and enjoy!
Thank you so much for stopping here and I hope that you have found some things that you like. If you snag anything her, please leave a "thank you" so I know you like what I have made. Sometimes I think I am the only one that likes my designs, so it would be nice to know if others like it as well......
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Winter Wishes
Full Size Image Here
I.C.Licious Scrapkit by Delicious Scraps
This is my first winter tag for this year, and though it is not quite winter, I could not resist these adorable snowmen or "snowladies". And I just love the pastels in this kit! I hope you like it as much as I do!
Thank you very much for stopping here and checking out my blog! Make sure you follow me or come back often, as I am adding new tags and such quite often.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Always on My Mind
Full Size Image Here
Always on My Mind Scrapkit - Serene by RW Here
Jeans Girl Poser by Fantasy Moments Here
I love the soft blue used in this scrapkit. The tag has sort of a "grunge" feel to it that I really like. If you would like this personalized, I will be happy to add your name or whatever to it. Eventually this will also be made into a tournament page for Case's Ladder. Hopefully you like it and can find a use for it....
Thank you so much for visiting! Make sure to come back often or follow me, as I will be adding new stuff quite frequently. Have a wonderful day!!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Glitter Frame
Full Size Image Here
Glitter Frame Tutorial Here
Jesus Is Born tag - the graphic used for this tag was obtained through group shares. I hope you can find a use for this, the graphic is just lovely.
Thank you so very much for visiting my little spot on the net. Please enjoy your visit and come back soon!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friendship Tag
Full Size Image Here
Friendship Tag Tutorial Here
Isn't this cute? You can request one with your name on it anytime and I will make one for you.
Thank you for stopping at Goldie's Graphix and I hope that you have found some things you can use here. Please let me know if there is something that you would like to see here and I will see what I can do. Please stop by often -- I am always adding new stuff.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Full Size Image Here
Incognito Tutorial by BiBi Here
I love working with thes "poser" graphics, they are always so beautiful! Maybe you like her, too, and would like to use this tag for something. Eventually I will probably make a tournament page with this tag.
Thank you very much for dropping in to my neck of the woods. I hope you have found some things that you like here. Have a wonderful day!
Pretty Pink Floral
Full Size Image Here
Winni's PSP Lesson Group Here
I love pink and these flowers just look so pretty and delicate! This was done according to one of my lessons at Winni's PSP Group. I really enjoy my lessons there and everything we make is from very well written tutorials. This would look very nice with your name on it, don't you think?
Thank you so much for visiting! I do hope you found some things that you like. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas to make this a more pleasant place for you. Also, if you have a special request, please let me know and I will see what I can do for you! Have a beautiful day!
Floral Bouquet
Full Size Image Here
Floral Bouquet Tutorial Here
Ohhh this is such a beautiful shade of green and, of course, I love flowers!!!! Designing with masks is alot of fun, too! I hope you like this tag as much as I do. The tutorial was written by Daiva, and I do love her tutorials, they are always so elegant!
Thank you so much for stopping to browse at my blog and I hope that you have found some things that you like. Hopefully you will have a use for some of my tags as well. Please stop by again soon and have a wonderful day!
Wild Thing
Full Size Image Here
Winni's PSP Lessons Here
This was made for one of my fun lessons with Winni's PSP Lesson group. I just love tigers and fell in love with this graphic when I saw it -- adorable little tiger cub!
If you are a designer and looking for more tuts, I highly recommend Winni's, there are MANY groups run by Winni and the mods there are awesome, too!
Thank you so much for visiting and I hope you come back soon!
Farm Work
Full Size Image Here
I really love the graphic here - it has been misted by Montana Kate Mists, but unfortunately I don't know who the original artist is. I have also created an IM stat which matches this tag - let me know if you would like for me to send it to you.
Thank you so very much for visiting my blog and I do hope that you will return soon!
Coming Home
Full Size Image Here
Charming Frame Tutorial Here
This reminds me of a beautiful Spring day and helping Mom in her garden as a child. I thought this frame tutorial went very well the graphic mist used here. I hope you like it as well.
Thank you so much for visiting and please consider following my blog so you will be notified as I add new posts.
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday
Monday, November 1, 2010
Life In a Bubble
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This little doll is so adorable, don't you think? She belongs to a kit entitled Little Cupid Beauties by Cheryl Seslar Designs. Anyway, I hope you find her as cute as I do - and maybe you would like one for yourself - I would be happy to personalize one for you. All you have to do is ask, and don't worry, I don't bite.
Thank you very much for finding your way here and I hope that you will take the time to see all that is here and maybe visit some of my friends as well! Please come back soon and have a wonderful day!
Impressionist Birds
Full Size Image Here
I absolutely love doing tutorials and I think this is a very simple but beautiful tag from one of Karen's Treasure Trove group. The graphic mist here is from a group share. I also have a matching IncrediMail stat for this tag. The cute birds make me think of Spring :)
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I hope that you find something you like here. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to forward them to me and I will be happy to consider your ideas.
Colour Pop Puppies
Full Size Link Here
Graphic From MorgueFile
Colour Pop Tutorial by Diane Knight Here
Awwwww, what cute puppies aren't they? This tag can be personalized for you at any time, all you have to do is send me a request through e-mail or my chat box.
Thank you so very much for visiting and please come back soon!
Welcome Ani
Full Size Here
Graphic Art by Jring's Pngs
Welcome Tag Tutorial Here
This signature tag was quite a hit in my groups when I first made it. Jring's Pngs really does some beautiful artwork! I thought I had a link to the site somewhere, but I can't seem to find one. The tutorial written by Maggie of Maggie's PSP side was fun and easy to do. She really has some awesome tuts so if you are a designer, make sure you stop by her place -- not all are written in English, but Google and others have nice translators you can apply.
I would be very happy to make you a siggy tag, so please send in your request anytime and I will send it to your e-mail upon completion.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you find some things you like here!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Full Size Image Here
Assignment For Winni's PSP Lessons Here
Well, I just finished another Halloween tag! This one is from my lessons at Winni's PSP Group. I really enjoy my lessons there and she has MANY different lesson groups. Hopefully you are not tired of seeing all of these Halloween and Fall tags, but it is one of my very favorite seasons and I also love the colors of Fall.
I want to thank you for visiting and I hope that you like some of what I have to offer here. Please let me know if there is something that I can do to make this a more enjoyable place to visit.
Happy Halloween!!!!
Autumn Glory
Full Size Image Here
Autumn Glory scrapkit Here
Background Template Here
Oh, how I just love the beautiful colors of Fall!!! Although my name is on this tag, all you have to do is send me a request and I will put yours their instead. This tag can be personalized for you at any time. I hope you like this tag as much as I do.
Thank you so very much for stopping by and please come back again soon!
Autumn Mini Scrap
Full Size Image Here
Ok, I know this isn't my best design, but it was my very first scrap kit design. I followed a tutorial Autumn Is In The Air which can be found Here. She also designed the scrap kit for this project, so it too, can be found at the same place as the tut.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you return soon!
Violet Kisses
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This was a very fun tag to make! I love playing with scrap kits and this tag was made specifically for one who is becoming an awesome friend. She is very talented and makes beautiful scrap kits, etc. and this particular tag was made with her scrap kit titled Violet Kisses which can be found Here. As you will see, she has LOTS of beautiful kits to download and they are freebies!!! Please leave her some love if you enjoy her kits for your own personal use -- designers love to hear that they are appreciated!
The cute fairy is the awesome work of ©Medi, who designs many of these cute little "cookies". Please visit Medi Here.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you return soon!
Friday, October 29, 2010
CRG Mask 02
Here is another cute Halloween / Fall Scarecrow tag. In case you haven't noticed yet, by some of my tags, I LOVE scarecrows and Halloween! I actually made the mask used in this tag as part of my "Final" in Krissy's New Bees (KNB) Masking level. That is where I started my journey in PSP last January -- I've been hooked ever since that first lesson, LOL!
Happy Halloween to you all and thank you so very much for stopping by! I hope you find some things that you like here, because I would love for you to come back.....
Alandra Plum Delight
Full Size Image Here
Well, I have to say I had alot of fun playing in PSP tonight, and this is what I came up with! I used a beautiful scrap kit titled Plum Delight by Babs Bitzy Beez Designz (BBD). So, to show my appreciation of the work that she shares, I made this tag for her. The beautiful poser fairy is the work of Fantasy Moments Scraps - I just love her work, too!
Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you return soon!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Happy Halloween Animated Tag
Wickedest Witch
Halloween Witch
Full Size Image Here
Well doesn't she look like a friendly witch? And very cute, to boot! Please feel free to save this tag to your computer and use for one of your own personal projects. Thanks for looking and enjoy! I hope you have a wonderful and safe Halloween!
Diamond Kaleidoscope Tutorial Here
Full Size Image Here
I am trying to get my Halloween tags posted for you, and I hope you enjoy them! Remember, if you would like to request your name or something on a tag, just send me a message or post in my chat box. I will be happy to personalize things for you.
Mosaic Brush Frame Tutorial Here
Full Size Image Here
Artist - Caron Vinson
Oh, she is much too pretty to be a witch, don't you think?
I love Halloween and she is so pretty that I just had to make a tag with her right away. And I love Karen's frame tutorial here, it makes a very interesting frame and will be different for each individual depending on the graphic they have used.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Happy Fall All
Happy Fall All Tutorial
Right click on full size image and save to your computer
I don't know about you, but Fall is my favorite season! Unfortunately, it is probably the shortest season here in Wisconsin, LOL! The colors of the trees are just breathtaking. I also love Halloween, it is my second favorite holiday, with Christmas being the first. I so enjoy all the adorable Halloween decorations, especially scarecrows! And it is so fun when the kids go trick-or-treating, too, they are so adorable! I should post a few more Halloween/Fall tags for you before the season is over......
I don't know about you, but Fall is my favorite season! Unfortunately, it is probably the shortest season here in Wisconsin, LOL! The colors of the trees are just breathtaking. I also love Halloween, it is my second favorite holiday, with Christmas being the first. I so enjoy all the adorable Halloween decorations, especially scarecrows! And it is so fun when the kids go trick-or-treating, too, they are so adorable! I should post a few more Halloween/Fall tags for you before the season is over......
Christmas Elf Ani
Cat Lady Tutorial
Right click on full size image and save to your computer
I know it's early for posting Christmas tags, so I will do it sparingly, I promise! This was such a fun tag to design and I just love the little Christmas Elf, she is so cute! I used this same tutorial for a Halloween tag, which is what it was written for. This is a fun tut to play with, and I will probably use it again some time. This would be cute for a MyLeague tournament page.
I know it's early for posting Christmas tags, so I will do it sparingly, I promise! This was such a fun tag to design and I just love the little Christmas Elf, she is so cute! I used this same tutorial for a Halloween tag, which is what it was written for. This is a fun tut to play with, and I will probably use it again some time. This would be cute for a MyLeague tournament page.
Cat Lady
Cat Lady Tutorial
Right click on full size image and save to your computer
Since Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, I really enjoyed making this tag. I love the technique for making the background here, and my next post uses this same tut, but I made that one a Christmas tag. I hope you enjoy my tags and find some use for them. They are really great to make into signature tags and/or MyLeague tournament pages.
Pink Floral
Yellow Tulips Frame Tutorial
Full Size Image Here
Right click on full size image and save to your computer
Winter's Eve
Winter's Eve Frame Tutorial
Full Size Image Here
Right click on full size image and save to your computer
Maple Leaf
Maple Leaf Tutorial by Marlie's Place
Full Size Image Here
Right click on full size image and save to your computer
Harlekin Frame Tutorial by Marlie's Place
Full Size Image Here
Right click on full size image and save to your computer
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